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  • remedial massage
    remedial massage

    Remedial massage brings particular success with long standing back and compound injuries that have resisted previous therapy treatment attempts...
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  • sports massage
    sports massage

    Regular deep tissue massage as part of your therapy regime helps keep muscles supple, stimulates blood circulation and promotes recovery from hard training or injury for sports people or any type of strenuous activity for the rest of us... Continue reading

  • Rehabilitation

    Rehabilitation - regain full function of the body following injury... continue reading

Things are changing at Intulo Health, Learn More...

a fresh approach to sports & remedial massage in Bournemouth...

Intulo Health offers sports, remedial and pain relieving massage at Shelley Manor Medical Centre, First Floor Private Clinic, Beechwood Avenue, Boscombe BH5 1LX

The therapy you will receive is based around prevention of pain as well as relieving existing symptoms.

Ask yourself the following questions...fighting fibromyalgia
  • Do you suffer with migraines or ongoing headaches?
  • Do you suffer with constant lower back pain?
  • Do you get neck pain from being at your desk all day?
  • Do you struggle to get out of bed due to stiffness?
  • Do you suffer from stiffness or pain in your hips or knees?
  • Do you know or understand how physical therapy can help relieve the majority of symptoms that can cause pain...

You can be in control of your pain. Being in constant pain is unhealthy for your body, mind and soul...

Whatever your lifestyle, don’t live in pain...

Assessment is without a doubt the most important part of a treatment. We always assess biomechanics, functionality of a joint, range of movement, where the isolated pain is and where the pain is referring from. Based on the assessment we are able to identify which muscles aren’t activating and what needs addressing.

Contact us to book your appointment in our clinic Shelley Manor Medical Centre, First Floor Private Clinic, Beechwood Avenue, Boscombe BH5 1LX


Intulo Health Sports Massage